At Referral-AI, we care about your privacy

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) was enacted in the European Union on May 2018, to protect the personal data and privacy of EU residents.

GDPR regulates how companies, located both within and outside of the EU, can lawfully handle EU personal data, and provides individuals with certain rights over their own data.
Companies that handle personal data need to have an individual’s consent or their own legitimate interest.

Individual Rights under GDPR

In Chapter 3 of GDPR there are eight specific rights that individuals have over their personal data.

You have the right to be informed when a company collects, uses or processes your personal information, including the purpose for processing the data, how long the data will be retained, and who it it will be shared with. Only on specific circumstances, companies do not need to inform individuals, for example, if they already know about it, or if they deem it would involve a disproportionate amount of effort to provide.

Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR) provides individuals with the right to ask for and get a copy of their personal data, including information on how the data is processed.

Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR) provides individuals with the right to ask for and get a copy of their personal data, including information on how the data is processed.

Individuals can only exercise their right to have personal data deleted in the following circumstances:

Individuals can only exercise the right for restricition usually temporarily and in the following circumstances:

Individuals have the right to obtain a copy of personal data that has been previously provided to a service provider and to reuse it for other services. Personal data in this context includes observations of an individual’s activities, it does not include data that has been extrapolated by the service provider, such as a user profile.

The right to object will stop or prevent the processing of personal data, in the following circumstances:

* If the company can demonstrate compelling and overriding legitimate interest, or if the processing is related to legal action, then this trumps the individual’s right to object.

Profiling means automated processing of personal data to evaluate certain things about an individual such as predicting behavior.

Referral-AI complies with the GDPR

Remember that there are many other ways that GDPR protects an individual’s privacy and personal data. An individual has the right to raise concerns with the company processing their personal data if the data is:
Referral-AI respects individual’s right to privacy and have procedures in place to make sure rights are protected.
If you think your personal details and data are part of our database, please use our Privacy Center, Claim Page where you can find the tools to control your data.